7 package ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate.impl;
9 import java.io.Serializable;
10 import java.sql.Timestamp;
11 import java.util.HashSet;
12 import java.util.Set;
14 import ca.uhn.cache.CacheReasonEnum;
15 import ca.uhn.cache.IQuery;
16 import ca.uhn.cache.VolatilityEnum;
17 import ca.uhn.cache.impl.Chunk;
18 import ca.uhn.cache.internal.IChunk;
19 import ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate.HibernateCacheReasonEnum;
20 import ca.uhn.cache.internal.util.TimestampUtils;
22 /***
23 * A block of data that is retrieved and cached together. The
24 * boundaries of a <code>IChunk</code> are defined according to
25 * <code>QueryParameter</code>s. Data items may have attributes
26 * such as category, date, name, etc. Some of these, for example
27 * category and date, will correspond to <code>QueryParameter</code>s.
28 * A <code>IChunk</code> is a grouping of data items in the same part
29 * of the <code>QueryParameter</code> space. How this space is divided
30 * is determined by a <code>ISemanticCache</code>.
31 *
32 * @hibernate.class table="chunk"
33 *
34 * @author <a href="mailto:bryan.tripp@uhn.on.ca">Bryan Tripp</a>
35 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ updated on $Date: 2005/01/24 22:52:40 $ by $Author: bryan_tripp $
36 */
37 public class ChunkField extends HibernateObject {
39 private VolatilityEnum myVolatility;
40 private Timestamp myLastUpdateTime;
41 private Timestamp myCacheTime;
42 private Timestamp myLastAccessTime;
43 private Set myReasons = new HashSet();
44 private int myQueryHash;
45 private Timestamp myExpiryTime;
47 private Serializable myBoundaries;
49 /***
50 * Constructor
51 */
52 public ChunkField()
53 {
54 }
56 /***
57 * @return the greatest volatility of all data in the chunk
58 *
59 * @hibernate.property type="ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate.HibernateVolatilityEnum"
60 */
61 public VolatilityEnum getVolatility()
62 {
63 return myVolatility;
64 }
66 /***
67 * @param theVolatility the greatest volatility of all data in the chunk
68 */
69 public void setVolatility(VolatilityEnum theVolatility)
70 {
71 myVolatility = theVolatility;
72 }
74 /***
75 * @return the most recent time of update of all data in the chunk
76 *
77 * @hibernate.property
78 */
79 public Timestamp getLastUpdateTime()
80 {
81 return myLastUpdateTime;
82 }
84 /***
85 * @param theLastUpdateTime the most recent time of update of all data in the chunk
86 */
87 public void setLastUpdateTime(Timestamp theLastUpdateTime)
88 {
89 myLastUpdateTime = theLastUpdateTime;
90 }
92 /***
93 * @return the time at which the data in the chunk were cached
94 *
95 * @hibernate.property
96 */
97 public Timestamp getCacheTime()
98 {
99 return myCacheTime;
100 }
102 /***
103 * @param theCacheTime the time at which the data in the chunk were cached
104 */
105 public void setCacheTime(Timestamp theCacheTime)
106 {
107 myCacheTime = theCacheTime;
108 }
110 /***
111 * @return the most recent time at which data in the the chunk were accessed
112 *
113 * @hibernate.property
114 */
115 public Timestamp getLastAccessTime()
116 {
117 return myLastAccessTime;
118 }
120 /***
121 * @param theLastAccessTime the most recent time at which data in the the chunk were accessed
122 */
123 public void setLastAccessTime(Timestamp theLastAccessTime)
124 {
125 myLastAccessTime = theLastAccessTime;
126 }
129 /***
130 * @return a list of reasons why this chunk was cached
131 *
132 * @hibernate.set table="chunk_reason" cascade="all"
133 * @hibernate.collection-key column="chunk_id"
134 * @hibernate.collection-element
135 * type="ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate.HibernateCacheReasonEnum"
136 * column="reason"
137 * length="50"
138 * not-null="true"
139 */
140 public Set getReasons()
141 {
142 return myReasons;
143 }
145 /***
146 * @param theReasons a list of reasons why this chunk was cached
147 */
148 public void setReasons(Set theReasons)
149 {
150 myReasons = theReasons;
151 }
153 /***
154 * @param theReason the reason to add
155 */
156 public void addReason(HibernateCacheReasonEnum theReason)
157 {
158 myReasons.add(theReason);
159 }
161 /***
162 * @param theQueryHash the hash code for the query corresponding to this chunk
163 */
164 public void setQueryHash(int theQueryHash)
165 {
166 myQueryHash = theQueryHash;
167 }
169 /***
170 * @return the hash code for the query corresponding to this chunk
171 *
172 * @hibernate.property
173 */
174 public int getQueryHash()
175 {
176 return myQueryHash;
177 }
179 /***
180 * @return Returns the expityTime.
181 *
182 * @hibernate.property
183 */
184 public Timestamp getExpiryTime() {
185 return myExpiryTime;
186 }
187 /***
188 * @param theExpityTime The expityTime to set.
189 */
190 public void setExpiryTime( Timestamp theExpityTime ) {
191 myExpiryTime = theExpityTime;
192 }
194 /***
195 * @return Returns the boundaries.
196 */
197 public IQuery getBoundaries() {
198 return (IQuery) myBoundaries;
199 }
200 /***
201 * @param theBoundaries The boundaries to set.
202 *
203 * @hibernate.property not-null="false" type="serializable"
204 */
205 public void setBoundaries( IQuery theBoundaries ) {
206 if ( theBoundaries != null ) {
207 assert theBoundaries instanceof Serializable;
208 }
209 myBoundaries = (Serializable) theBoundaries;
210 }
212 /***
213 * @return The <code>IChunk</code> this chunk field maps to.
214 */
215 public IChunk toChunk() {
216 return new Chunk(
217 getHibernateId(),
218 getVolatility(),
219 TimestampUtils.timestampToDate( getLastUpdateTime() ),
220 TimestampUtils.timestampToDate( getCacheTime() ),
221 TimestampUtils.timestampToDate( getLastAccessTime() ),
222 (CacheReasonEnum[]) getReasons().toArray( new CacheReasonEnum[ getReasons().size() ] ) ,
223 getBoundaries() );
224 }
226 }